Some United Kingdom firms are offering a wide range of incentives to their employees in order to lure them back to the offices. From free breakfast, candy floss to gifts of corporate-branded merchandise, firms are trying to woo their employees. The City of London Corporation welcomed its workers by jointly staging a free-to-enter “beerfest” last Thursday.
Another investment firm also offered free breakfast for a week from Monday along with free fruit. Adding to it, on certain days, candy floss and popcorn carts, too, will be available.
A law firm said that free breakfast is on offer until October end for 1,300 employees. The firm, upping the ante, said that it will try to get in a flexible working model under which employees will spend 60% of their time in the office and 40% at home.
PwC, which has around 22,000-strong UK workforce, employees will have an extra £1,000 in September as the firm is switching to a hybrid working model, including more than two weekly offs.
A travel-good-making company said that various firms have contacted them to have their product branded with their corporate logos, which will be given to the employees once they come back.
“It is having the latest ‘swag’ as they call it,” The Guardian quoted founder Alex Stewart as saying.
“We are hearing from office managers who have been assigned a budget for the purpose of doing a ‘welcome back’ or easing people into hybrid working,” the founder added.
“Naturally, some people are really excited to go back to the office and some are a little bit more hesitant, but there is no doubt that if they know some fun is coming up that they can participate in or something is waiting on their desk, it gives employees a feeling of stability on returning, and feeling they are part of something bigger,” workplace psychologist Lee Chambers said.