In a strange story reported from Maharashtra, a woman married a relative when the groom got intoxicated and failed to arrive at the wedding on time. The wedding was set on April 22 at the village of Malkapur Pangra in the Buldhana district. The wedding ceremony started at 4 pm. The bride and her family waited for the groom at the wedding location, but he did not appear until 8 pm.
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Instead of arriving at the location on time, the groom and his pals were reportedly dancing and drinking. When they arrived at the wedding location, the bride’s father refused to marry his daughter to the groom. He planned to marry her off to one of her relatives who were present at the wedding.
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“The groom and his friends were drunk and came to the mandap at 8 pm instead of 4 pm and started fighting. We got my daughter married to one of our relatives,” according to the bride’s mother.
Another woman cancelled her wedding during the jaimala ritual because the husband was illiterate.
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“I am an educated person. I’m pursuing B. Ed. He’s completely illiterate. Can I stay happy with him? You tell me? I cannot marry him,” in a now-viral video, the bride stated.
When questioned why she didn’t reject the marriage sooner, the bride explained that her father was pressuring her to marry the man for financial reasons.