Several brands on Thursday pulled pranks on their customers to celebrate April Fool’s Day. These fun, little jokes included launches of fake products and services, false payment options and simple tricks to remind people to not be a fool.
Also read: April Fools’ Day quiz: Spot the fake news that fooled you for years
Here are the four best marketing campaigns people almost fell for:
1. Flipkart’s bitcoin payment option
Flipkart on Wednesday took to its social media accounts to launch a new fake mode of payment. “The future is here. We now accept Bitcoin as a convenient mode of payment. Update your app now,” Flipkart’s post said.
Also read: Google cancels April Fools’ Day for second time due to COVID-19
2. Urban Company’s ‘Alarm at Home’ service
Urban Company announced on April 1 that it has launched the ‘Alarm at Home’ service “for those who take their sleeping a little more seriously.” This was obviously a joke but many people in the comment section took it seriously.
3. Ola’s electric flying car
Bhavesh Aggarwal, the founder of Ola Cabs, took to Twitter on Thursday to unveil his company’s all-new (probably fake) Ola AirPro, which he defined as “the world’s first and only fully autonomous electric flying car.” The joke doesn’t end here. His post consisted of a two-minute ninety-second well-produced clip solely dedicated to the prank.
4. Volkswagen changing its name to Voltswagen
Volkswagen became the talk of the town after the car company issued a press release on Thursday, which said that its US operations will be changing its name to ‘Voltswagen.’ “We know, 66 is an unusual age to change your name, but we’ve always been young at heart. Introducing Voltswagen,” the release said.
The brands, with their pranks, have done their bit. Now, it’s your turn to fool your friends, family and loved ones.