A Michigan elementary school teacher, Julia Koch is being hailed as a hero after her quick response helped save the life of a student’s grandmother while she was teaching remotely.

Koch was teaching virtually at Edgewood Elementary School on September 22 when she received a call from a student’s grandmother, who was experiencing technical difficulties. When Koch talked to Cynthia Phillips, who was having trouble charging her granddaughter’s tablet, she noticed something was different in the grandmother’s voice.

Koch told CNN that Phillips’ words were ‘jumbled’ and it was difficult to understand what she was saying. “She didn’t sound like herself,” CNN quoted Koch.

While Koch was on phone with Phillips, the teacher alerted the school administration, who called 911 for the grandmother’s help of Phillips. Koch said she noticed that Phillips’ speech was impaired and she was stumbling over her words that were getting worst by every minute, had symptoms of stroke as her she lost her father cause of that. She added that she immediately got help for her.

Phillips, who is currently in hospital and recovering slowly, told CNN that she would have died if “it weren’t for the teacher being so quick and fast” about getting help.