Social media has been buzzing with #ObamaVariant on Sunday as pictures and videos from former US President Barack Obama’s birthday party started floating. In a now-deleted video posted by Erykah Badu according to Dailymail, the former President can be seen dancing without wearing a face mask and holding a microphone.
The hashtag has attracted mass attention on Twitter, where some users are criticising the former President for organising a birthday party while the United States is experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant.
On the other hand, some users are writing about the apparent “hypocrisy” of those who support former US President Donald Trump, who on many occasions was seen not wearing a mask and even shrugging off their importance in the early stages of the pandemic.
A Twitter user wrote, ”
So… I have yet to see a #trumpvariant hashtag, and we all know he doesn’t like wearing masks… but #ObamaVariant is trending. The hypocrisy is astounding.”
Also Read: Fuelled by Delta variant, US reports 100,000 cases for 4th straight day
In response to those standing in support of former President Obama, a Twitter user cited the recent advisory issued by United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.
The user wrote, “The CDC said the vaccinated should wear masks during indoor and outdoor gatherings. The Obamas weren’t following CDC’s covid guidelines, but expect us common folks to follow those same guidelines. Whatever happened to “follow the science?”
Also Read: What type of masks are effective against the Delta variant of coronavirus?
Social media users also pointed out that the party hosted by former President Obama at Martha’s Vineyard, which was to celebrate his 60th birthday, had been toned down keeping in mind the state of affairs in the United States regarding spread of COVID-19.
While it was announced that the event was scaled down due to the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in the US, one staff member told Dialy Mail that at least 300-400 guests had attended the party.
This comes after Obama’s spokesperson told CNN that the party was to be attended only by close friends and family in view of COVID.