In a bizarre twist of events that occurred in Florida, a Lamborghini owner chased down his stolen vehicle on a scooter. Pretty neat, right? The owner of the car, Chris Sanders, went looking for his car after it was stolen from right outside his house.
%u201CI%u2019m in my home. I hear this thing startup. I look out the window, and I see somebody driving it away. I got on the scooter, went after the guy,” the owner said.
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According to media reports, a 14-year-old had stolen the vehicle and had parked the Lambo a few blocks away. In a CCTV footage, he was seen running from the area where he had parked the stolen car.
One of the eyewitnesses to the theft was quoted by local news agencies saying, %u201CHe said, %u2018I stole a Lamborghini just now. I don%u2019t have a license. I can%u2019t drive.%u2019 I didn%u2019t know if he had a weapon. I wasn%u2019t sure how crazy he was. I was trying to talk and calm him down. He asked me for advice. He%u2019s like, %u2018I%u2019m 14. I don%u2019t know what to do.%u2019 You%u2019re better off turning yourself in. They%u2019re going to go much, much easier on you.’
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The owner of the stolen Lamborghini thanked the police for help. Sanders eventually drove back his Urus SUV after the Miami Beach police officers took the 14-year-old suspect in custody.
To put matters into perspective, Lambhorghini Urus SUV, known as one of the fastest cars in the world, can accelerate from zero to 100 kmph in just 3.6 seconds and can hit a top speed of 305 kmph.
If it’s Florida, bizzare is normal.