The 28-year-old Aaftab Poonawala is accused of killing his 27-year-old live-in partner Shraddha Walkar in May of this year, slicing her body up, and disposing of them over a two- to three-month period. The Delhi Police has asked a local court for permission to run a narco analysis test on him.

In complex and high-profile cases, investigating agencies frequently use the narco test to assist their inquiry.

Also read: What is truth serum, the drug used in narco tests?

Narco test

Truth serum, often known as sodium pentothal, is injected during narcotic analytical testing. The medicine (sodium pentothal) administration reduces a person’s self-consciousness, enabling him or her to speak freely. When a person loses their inhibitions and enters a hypnotic condition, this occurs. Examiners can ask the subject questions at this point and receive truthful responses.

A forensic specialist, investigative officer, or psychologist will be present while the narcotics test is being conducted. It is a less intense substitute for other popular third-degree treatments utilised by investigative agencies.

Also read: What is narco test?


The subject is physically examined before the procedure to determine whether their medical state justifies the test.

A hypnotic drug called Sodium Pentothal, commonly known as Thiopentone, is injected into the subject. The dosage, however, is determined by the patient’s age, sex, and other medical issues. The improper dosage can cause someone to die or even go into a coma. Other safety measures must also be observed while carrying out the test.

The patient is sedated and put to sleep after receiving the medication.

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The person is put into a state where he or she can only respond to particular questions after the drug has been injected. Due to the fact that most questions cannot be answered when a person is only partially conscious, such examinations are not generally allowed in legal proceedings. Other courts, on the other hand, fully embrace it.

The brain generates a specific kind of electric wave known as P300 when it recognises the person’s sound. The subject sits in front of the monitor for the duration of the test. He is also shown certain photographs or played some audio clips, following which the participant’s brain’s sensors begin monitoring electrical activity and recording P300 waves. The P300 electric wave is only produced if the subject has some sort of association with the stimulus, such as with the images or sounds (in this test).

Also read: Accused Aftab burned Shraddha Walkar’s face to conceal identity: Police

P300 tests are used by investigators to assess their findings and determine whether a suspect is telling the truth. The Brain Mapping Test is another name for this assessment.

Law in India

The Supreme Court held in Selvi & Ors v. State of Karnataka & Anr (2010) that lie detector or polygraph tests should only be performed with the accused’s consent.

The court said that those who still wish to must have legal, emotional, or physical consequences of the test.

The court considered the application of Article 20 (3), which states that a defendant should never be made to testify against himself.

The individual’s consent is also required by law before a person can undergo a narco test.

Also read: Aaftab Poonawala says he would get drunk, cry while butchering Shraddha Walkar’s body

The Supreme Court had declared that no one can be subjected to narco analysis, brain mapping, or polygraph testing without that person’s agreement. In response to petitions challenging the validity of such examinations, the top court emphasised that they are unlawful and a breach of personal freedom.

However, unless the court determines that the facts and nature of the case allow it, statements made during a narco-analysis test are not admissible in court.