Actor Alyssa Milano received criticism from Twitter users after she traded in her Tesla for a Volkswagen. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, joined other users and mocked the actor over her remark. In response to Milano’s post in which she associated Tesla’s business model with “hate and white supremacy,” the users brought up Volkswagen’s early affiliations with the Nazi Party. The actor and her team have not yet responded to the criticism so far.
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In her tweet posted on Saturday, Milano said, “I gave back my Tesla. I bought the VW ev. I love it. I’m not sure how advertisers can buy space on Twitter. Publicly traded companies’ products being pushed in alignment with hate and white supremacy doesn’t seem to be a winning business model.”
The tweet sparked a flood of responses from both her fans and other users. People started criticizing her for her choice of car.
Instead of immediately responding to the criticism, Milano reposted a tweet from @BJacksonWrites.
The tweet read, “My first tweet in a week to say that VolksWagon became a global brand after WW2 when it’s New leader REJECTED Nazism. Tesla became a global brand and its CEO now wants to ENABLE Nazism. These are not the same.”
Who is Alyssa Milano?
Alyssa Jayne Milano is an American actor who was born on December 19, 1972, in New York City USA. She has played the roles of Samantha Micelli in Who’s the Boss?, Jennifer Mancini in Melrose Place, Phoebe Halliwell in Charmed, Billie Cunningham in My Name Is Earl, Savannah “Savi” Davis in Mistresses, Renata Murphy in Wet Hot American Summer: 10 Years Later, and Coralee Armstrong in Netflix’s Insatiable.
Milano is also a well-known activist and is known for her involvement in the MeToo campaign in October 2017.
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Actor Alyssa Milano is 49 years old.
Alyssa Jayne Milano is the daughter of film music editor Thomas M. Milano and fashion designer and talent manager, Lin Milano. She is of Italian ancestry and was raised along with her younger brother Cory. She was brought up as a Catholic.
Alyssa Milano married David Bugliari, a manager and talent agent on August 15, 2009. The couple has four children.
Net Worth
According to celebritynetworth, Alyssa Milano has an estimated net worth of $10 million.