Only a couple of players headlined the third day of the second Test between India and England for their on-field exploits. Virat Kohli, Ravichandran Ashwin, Jack Leach and Moeen Ali made sure they do not allow the cameras to pan anywhere else in the stadium. But Ben Stokes had other plans. While the Indian batsmen hit beautiful strokes, the English fielding side’s body language said it all.
Stokes, to break the monotony of the match, performed a picture-perfect handstand to entertain both his teammates and the crowd at the Chepauk.
The Stokes handstand received a big round of applause from the Indian fans.
On the match front, the duo of Leach and Ali spun a web around the Indian top-order as they struggled to keep the runs going, giving away wickets easily. But Kohli and Ashwin stitched a big partnership to steady the Indian ship and extend their already-massive lead against England.
Both Kohli and Ashwin notched up their 25th and 13th half-centuries, respectively.
With the condition of the pitch deteriorating, the Indian bowling unit will be licking their chops, aiming to bowl out the visitors within four days of the Test and levelling the series.
Currently, India trail England 0-1 in the four-match series.