England captain Joe Root played immaculately to bring up his 20th Test century in a Test match against India at Chennai. With a single on the leg side, off Washing Sundar, Root reached the three-figure-mark in 164 balls. What makes the century special for Root, is that he is playing his 100 Test match for England.

Celebrating their captain’s steaming-hot performance, the England cricket team, stood in unison and celebrated the captain’s ton.

Commentators and players alike congratulated the right-handed batsman on his feat.

Root also became the first batsman to score a century in his 98th, 99th and 100th Test. The last two had come against Sri Lanka, one of them being a double century.

He joined England greats Colin Cowdrey and Alec Stewart in getting a hundred in their 100th Test.

Root was batting alongside, Dom Sibley, as the duo made light work of the India bowling lineup.

The 30-year-old Root, who has scored over 8,000 runs at an average of over 49, is the 15th England player in 144 years of Test cricket to have appeared in a hundred matches.