Cricketer Suresh Raina recently left the Indian Premier League (IPL) bio bubble in the UAE and returned to India citing personal reasons. Following his departure, Chennai Super Kings owner N Srinivasan told Outlook that cricketers are like “prima donnas” and “temperamental actors of the olden days”. However, in an interview with Cricbuzz, Raina dismissed the speculation of a rift between him and the franchise and referred Srinivasan as a father figure.
Raina told Cricbuzz, “He is like a father figure to me and he’s always stood by me and is close to my heart. He treats me like his younger son and am sure a lot of what he said was taken out of context. Ek baap apne bacche ko daant sakta hai (A father can scold his son).”
Raina added, “He didn’t know the real reasons for me leaving when he gave those comments. Now he’s been informed about them and he even sent me a message thereafter. We’ve chatted about it and both CSK and I just want to get over with it.”
Following Raina’s departure from the UAE, Srinivasan in an interview with Outlook, had said, “Cricketers are like prima donnas … like the temperamental actors of the olden days. Chennai Super Kings have always been like a family and all seniors players have learnt to co-exist.” However, he later said that his opinions were put out of context to create rifts. Times of India quoted him saying, “Suresh Raina’s contribution to the Chennai Super Kings franchise is second to none and it is unfortunate that people are trying to put two and two together to drive a wedge.”
Several reports claimed that Raina had a problem with the bio security measures in the UAE. He said that for him, his family is his number top priority. “I have a young family back home and I was concerned about the fact that if something happened to me, unka kya hoga? (what’ll happen to them). My family is most important to me and I am really concerned for them during these times.”