Before, during and after the Sunrisers Hyderabad‘s Indian Premier League (IPL) match against Rajasthan Royals on Monday night, the chatter around David Warner‘s SRH future increased. The current edition of the IPL has been kryptonite for the Australian batsmen with only 195 runs in 8 games. Those runs include two fifties, an average of 24.38 and a strike rate of 107.73.
After Kane Williamson replaced him as captain, he did not find a place in the playing XI. But he did get chances in the UAE leg of the IPL. However, his poor form continued as he managed scores of 2&0. Yet again, he was replaced at the top by Jason Roy.
With time running out for Warner, the Orange Cap winner in 2015, 2017 and 2019 was nowhere to be found on the ground during his team’s last match on Monday night.
Commenting on Warner’s future, Bayliss said: “Look, that certainly hasn’t been discussed. This is the last year before the mega auction, those decisions will be made further down the line.”
“He’s been a great contributor to Hyderabad for a number of years now and he’s very well-respected. And with the number of runs he’s scored, I’m sure he’s got a lot more runs in him in the IPL,” the coach added.
As the conversation grows louder, SRH coach Trevor Bayliss said that other senior players, too, stayed back at the hotel; the management wanted to give youngsters a chance to play. The decision was taken keeping in mind that the Hyderabad-based franchise can no longer make it to the play-offs.
“We can’t make the finals, so we made a decision to get the youngsters to experience not just the matches, but time around the ground and around the set-up. And for this match we made a decision…he wasn’t the only experienced player that we’d left back at the hotel,” Cricbuzz quoted Trevor Bayliss as saying.
Also Read | Sunrisers Hyderabad vs Rajasthan Royals IPL 2021 match in numbers
“We’ve had a number of young players who haven’t even been to the ground, even our reserves, we wanted to give them the opportunity to come along and experience a game. That might continue for a few more games.”
“We don’t know… we’ve got to sit down in a day or two and pick a team and pick a squad of 18. That’s just the way it is. Dave’s obviously watching the game at the hotel and giving his support to the boys. Just like everyone else. We’re all in this together,” the Australian coach added.