Indian actor Ranveer Singh, wearing his Gucci outfit, arrived at the Jon M. Huntsman Center in Salt Lake City, Utah for the 2023 Ruffles All-Star Celebrity Game on Friday. He joined the likes of Janelle Monae and Hasan Minhaj, who will also participate in the event.
The 2023 NBA All-Star will take place on Sunday.
2023 #NBAAllStar red carpet fit check ft. @RanveerOfficial 🔥👀#RanveerXNBAAllStar #CelebGame
— NBA India (@NBAIndia) February 17, 2023
🤝 @JanelleMonae & @hasanminhaj ahead of the #RufflesCelebGame on ESPN
— #NBAAllStar (@NBAAllStar) February 17, 2023
Three-time NBA champion Dwayne Wade and Jazz governor Ryan Smith will be the honorary captains of the game. Other participants in the game include WWE Superstar and Cleveland native The Miz, professional tennis player Francis Tiafoe, Seahawks receiver DK Metcalf and Peloton coach Alex Toussaint, who was the MVP in last year’s Celebrity Game in Cleveland.
Also Read | Fans react to Janelle Monáe playing with sunglasses in 2023 Ruffles All-Star Celebrity Game at Vivint Arena
Two-time NBA MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo, his brothers Thanasis and Alex Antetokounmpo, and Olympic gold medalist Lindsey Vonn will coach Team Dwyane. Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Famer Lisa Leslie, rapper Fat Joe and World Series champion Alex Bregman will coach Ryan’s squad.
This year there will be a couple of twists to the celebrity game. Both captains will have the chance to activate Ruffles Crunch Time, which will start a two-minute duration in which points are doubled. Teams will also be able to use the Unlock a Legend feature in which an NBA legend will be added to the roster in the middle of the game.
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Team Dwayne’s roster includes NFL star DK Metcalf, Latin music superstar Nicky Jam, actor Ranveer Singh, content creator Jesser, comedian Hasan Minhaj, actor Simu Liu, WNBA All-Star Arike Ogunbowale, tennis player Frances Tiafoe, rapper 21 Savage, Peloton instructor Alex Toussaint and actress and singer Janelle Monáe,
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Celebrities who will take the court for Team Ryan include singer Kane Brown, WNBA All-Star Diamond DeShields, Pro Football Hall of Famer Calvin Johnson, WWE star The Miz, rapper Ozuna, Jimmy Kimmel correspondent Guillermo Rodriguez, actor Sinqua Wells. rapper Cordae, TV host Marcos Mion, MLB legend Albert Pujols and actor Everett Osborne.