India’s Neeraj Chopra scripted history by bringing home the elusive Olympic gold on Saturday at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The 23-year-old athlete threw a massive 87.58m in the men’s javelin throw final to remain on top and eventually clinching the yellow metal.

With this, he became the first-ever Indian to win an Olympic medal in athletics. India stars Milkha Singh and PT Usha and come close but missed out by a whisker.

Neeraj’s victory prompted massive celebration across India in what was the 10th gold medal for India in its Olympic history. As wishes, cash rewards among other things poured in for the Panipat athlete, former Indian tennis star Somdev Devvarman, along with analyst Ayaz Menon and former cricket captain Sunil Gavaskar, paid tribute to the gold winner in their own unique way – singing an original song.

In the video, Somdev can be seen playing the guitar as he sings alongside Gavaskar, Ashish Nehra and others.

Here’s how the song goes:

Neeraj Chopra, just 23 years old

Neeraj Chopra is also very bold

He’s better than Vetter, I don’t care what you’re told

‘Coz Neeraj Chopra, he’s bringing us a gold

Neeraj Chopra, he is bringing home the gold

Watch the video here:

The song has also a Johannes Vetter reference, who was the favourite to win the gold but had a shocking exit from the final after finishing with the best effort of 82.52m and was placed ninth.

The German, who had won gold and a bronze in 2017 and 2019 World Championships respectively, had struggled in the qualifying round also. He has not won an Olympic medal so far.

“He (Neeraj) is a really talented guy, always really friendly. I am happy for him,” said Vetter, who has a personal best of 97.76m, after his stunning exit from the event.

Talking about his own achievement, Neeraj said: “It feels unbelievable. It is the first time India has won a gold in athletics, so I feel very good. We have just one gold here in other sports.”

“This is our first Olympic medal for a very long time, and in athletics it is the first time we have gold, so it’s a proud moment for me and my country. (But) I didn’t know it would be gold but I am very happy,” he said.