Ukrainian tennis players have taken up arms against the country’s tennis federation Vice President, Yevhen Zukin. A group of players, led by former Wimbledon finalist Elena Svitolina, have issued a joint letter to the International Tennis Federation, demanding his resignation. Citing various malpractices such as ‘systematic harassment’, ‘rude and obscene behaviour’ and interfering with team selection for international competitions, the group calls for his removal from all positions within Ukrainian and international tennis.

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The letter penned by the group outlines their concerns about the Ukrainian Tennis Federation vice-president and the lack of clarity in the manner in the everyday runnings of the UTF:

“Underlining the complete lack of coherence and transparency in the actions of the Federation and in the use of financial support recently received from the international organisation, the players warn the ITF that Yevgeny Zukin is sowing division and chaos by hardly communicating with them, if not in an aggressive manner, while not providing standard assistance for Davis Cup or Billie Jean King Cup competitions,” quotes InsideThe Games.

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“In a very difficult time for our country, we need the support and unity of Ukrainian tennis more than ever. Instead, Mr Zukin continued to focus on his own interests and his international career. Hoping to restore the trust and reputation of the Tennis Federation of Ukraine, a group of Ukrainian professional tennis players in their letter officially demands the dismissal of Yevhen Zukin from positions in the Tennis Federation of Ukraine and the ITF Davis Cup Committee, from the position of ITF referee and from any other position he holds within the ITF,” they added further.

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The signatories include Lyudmila Kichenok, Nadia Kichenok, Marta Kostyuk, Ilya Marchenko, Serhiy Stakhovsky, Svitolina, Lesya Tsurenko, Katarina Zavatskaya, etc. But the letter has angered compatriots Dayana Yastremskay and Katarina Zavatska.

Taking to Instagram, Yastremskay condemned her colleagues for the letter while coming out in support of the beleaguered Mr Zukin:

“I know Mr. Zukin well. He is professional, honest and decent person. He always follows through on his commitments, ready to come to help if one of us gets into a difficult situation. By the way, some of those who signed this letter know all this very well from their own experience,” reads her IG story.