Apple launched its new HomePod Mini during its online event on Tuesday. It is priced at $99 and will be available from November 6. The new speaker has an intercom technology connecting all the Apple devices. 

The spherical shaped HomePod Mini will be bounded by mesh fabric, staged like Amazon’s Echo speakers. With an improved sound, the device will be capable of playing in sync throughout the space it is installed in. Illuminating different colors at the top when Siri is activated adds to the aesthetic value.

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The speakers will stereo pair as soon as they are placed in the same room. In addition to the features of the HomePod Mini, Apple confirmed some improvements in its virtual assistant Siri. The company said that Siri just like Alexa and Google assistant can recognise other people’s voices in the home, and can now act as an intercom system within the home to alert people in a different room.