In Twitter and Elon Musk’s ongoing feud, the two parties are being unable to decide how much to tell the public. The presiding judge, Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick of the Delaware Court of Chancery ruled on Wednesday that Musk’s countersuit would be revealed to the public on August 5, two days later than Musk’s team wanted.
Also Read: Elon Musk countersues Twitter hours after Chancery court sets trial date
Her ruling came in the aftermath of the micro-blogging site accusing Musk’s team of trying to release the 163-page countersuit document without first letting them black out confidential information.
Twitter received the countersuit on July 29 and says that court rules mandate that they be given five days to go through to work on redacting information. Musk’s lawyers have argued that three days are enough.
The ongoing battle highlights the increasing resentment between the parties as the two prepare for a five day trial in October. Chancellor McCormick has set a trial date for October 17.
Earlier this year, Musk had expressed willingness to buy Twitter at 38% over the share price at the time. In April, Twitter share prices were worth $51.70 when Musk agreed to pay $54.20 for the company.
On July 8, Musk pulled out of the $44 billion buyout while refusing to pay the $1 billion breakup fee. According to him, the social media company had failed to disclose adequate information regarding the bot and spam accounts on Twitter.
Four days later, on July 12, Twitter sued the founder of SpaceX. The company accused Musk of sabotaging the merger and their lawsuit was a demand for him to complete the deal.
On Sunday last week, Musk’s team of lawyers filed a countersuit with the Court of Chancery. This week, on August 3, Twitter issued subpoenas to various global banks and investors of the deal in an attempt to gather information whether Musk purposely failed to gather financing for the deal.