Xiaomi’s CEO Lei Jun earlier on Monday took to social media platform Weibo to announce that the Chinese smartphone company’s latest release MI 11 will not carry a power adaptor in the box. This is move by the Beijing-based organisation is aimed at reducing carbon footprint, the chief said.
“In response to the call of technology and environmental protection, the included charger is cancelled from the box. Hope to get your support. Is there a better solution between industry practice and environmental protection? Next Monday night, at the press conference, let’s talk,” he said in the post.
However, this move which is being said to be a borrowed idea from Apple’s iPhone 12 that was launched earlier this year, received blowback on the internet. The criticism, launched by internet users across formats, finds its roots in Xiaomi trolling Apple over its decision of not including the power adaptor due to the same reason.
South Korean giants, Samsung also was party to Apple’s troll session when it said that its Galaxy phones still come with a charger in the box. However, Samsung has pulled back the advertisement of Galaxy, indicating their will to employ a similar move.