This week, WhatsApp launched a number of new features to its popular messaging platform to improve user experience, including the ability to mute individuals during group calls. This function will not only assist in muting persons who are unable to do so on their own, but it may also be useful if two members in a group call are seated in the same room.
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You may mute individual users as well as send texts to specific individuals while on a group conversation, which could be incredibly useful if you don’t want the entire call to read your personal notes or messages.
WhatsApp is also said to be developing a new banner notification function that will alert you whenever anyone joins a call after it has already started.
The messaging platform announced on Friday that users can now restrict who views their profile photo, status message, and last-seen date and time. This will keep one’s profile private from anyone one doesn’t wish to interact with 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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WhatsApp also allowed Android users to transfer their chat histories to iPhones earlier this week, after first allowing users to transfer data in the reverse direction – from iPhones to Android phones – last year.
Meta has now enabled the transfer of WhatsApp chat history from an Android phone to an iPhone. We must also applaud Apple for its contribution to the introduction of these new features. However, it was Mark Zuckerberg who first mentioned the new feature in a Facebook post.
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The post said, “We’re adding to WhatsApp the ability to securely switch between phones and transfer your chat history, photos, videos, and voice messages between Android and iPhone while maintaining end-to-end encryption. This is a top requested feature. We launched the ability to switch from iPhone–>Android last year, and now adding Android–>iPhone as well.”