Elon Musk has reportedly confirmed that he will use Twitter data to build his own ChatGPT. The Tesla boss approached AI researchers in the past few weeks and is, as per the Information, recruiting former Google employee Igor Babuschkin to head his team.
ChatGPT is a text-based chatbox developed by OpenAI. It can respond to queries, draft poetry, chat and even computer code on command.
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While Musk or Babuschkin have not yet made any public statements about their association, the report adds that the two have already discussed assembling a team to pursue the project. However, as per the Information, they do not have a concrete plan yet.
Who is Igor Babuschkin?
Igor Babuschkin is a researcher who recently left Google parent, Alphabet’s DeepMind AI unit. Before getting into deep learning, he studied physics at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN as a summer research student.
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He worked for two separate stints at the Google subsidiary. He worked at DeepMind from 2017 to 2020 as Senior Research Engineer. During the gap of 17 months between two stints at DeepMind, he worked as a member of the technical staff at OpenAI, San Francisco.
During Babuschkin’s second term at Deepmind, he was a Senior Staff Research Engineer, from April 2022 to February 2023.
Alphabet’s former employee is rumored to develop an alternative to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. He is reportedly planning to form a new research lab. Elon Musk is looking for AI researchers to build a new team. The lab aims to compete with ChatGPT, a text-based chatbot which gained popularity for its ability to draft poetry, prose, and even computer code.
Babuschkin has a Master’s degree in Physics from the Technical University of Dortmund.