The prices for the Sony’s PlayStation 5 consoles were announced on Sunday along with other accessories in India. Boasting the ability to run games in 4K resolution at 120fps, the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Digital Edition is set to release in Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea Mexico, New Zealand, and the US on November 15, the Indian release date has not been announced yet, as per the statement released by the company.
The PlayStation 5 and the digital edition will be priced at Rs 49,990 and Rs 39,990 in India with the DualSense controller available at Rs 5,990. The HD Camera will cost Rs 5,190, Pulse 3D Wireless Headset Rs 8,590, Media Remote Rs 2,590, and DualSense Charging Station at Rs 2,590. The hardware indicated towards the utility of the PS5 as a replacement for streaming sticks like Amazon Firestick and Mi TV. The PS4 console will also work well with the company’s newest release.
In a press release, Sony said that the launch date in India will be announced soon.
“We know that gamers in India are excited to get their hands on PS5. Availability in each country is subject to, amongst other things, local import regulations, and our local teams are working through the logistics. We will share an update on launch date for India as more information becomes available.”
Sony’s release date in India might fall close to that of Microsoft’s Xbox series S and series X which are priced at Rs 34,990 and Rs 49,990, respectively. The newer edition of the Xbox will release in India on November 10.