Royal Challengers Bangalore captain Virat Kohli, on Friday, became the only player in the Indian Premier League (IPL) to represent a single franchise for 14 seasons. Since IPL’s inception, Kohli has been playing for the RCB and has seen the team change and grow as they still continue their hunt for the elusive IPL title.
At the toss, talking about his feat, Kohli said: “Playing for the same franchise has been an honour for me. Loyalty is a big thing for me.”
After spending its last season in Dubai, IPL returned to India, under the shadow of the coronavirus, and Kohli says it a great feeling coming back.
“Every year IPL has a different energy, a different vibe. It’s high intensity. Dubai was great as well but this just feels like home. Great feeling to be playing in our stadiums and for people to watch in our prime times,” the RCB captain said.
As far as the match is concerned, RCB won the toss and elected to field against Mumbai Indians at the MA Chidambaram Stadium, Chennai. For RCB, Rajat Patidar, Kyle Jamieson and Glenn Maxwell are making their debuts. And Dan Christian is making a comeback in the squad after a gap of 8 years.