Former record executive Chris Stokes’ name has surfaced online amid a renewed backlash against Marques Houston over his significant age difference from his wife Miya Dickey. On February 17, a Twitter user shared a photo of Houston and Dickey with their daughter Zara. The caption on the photo said that the couple celebrated three years of marriage and 10 years of togetherness and marketed Houston’s age as 40 and Dickey’s age as 22.
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The photo was widely shared over social media as people questioned if the couple had allegedly been together since Dickey was only 12 years old while Houston was a grown adult.
Soon after, Twitter user @/PaigeChristieUK posted a screenshot from the National Database for missing teenagers that backed an old claim that Miya Dickey was declared missing in Oregon in 2016 when she was 15.
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Who is Paula Harris?
According to various reports, Paula Harris is Miyana’s mother who has gone missing. She lost Miyana’s custody in 2012 in California for unknown reasons. She was adopted by another family in 2012.
As per the National Database, a 15-year-old girl named Miyana Juanita Pinkney has been reported missing in Oregon in 2016. Her adoptive parents shared photos of her on the website under missing teen, believing she had fled to California from their home in Oregon to meet her biological parents. Later, it was assumed that she is with Harris or her grandmother.
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Dickey reappeared in public during her engagement to Houston at 18 years of age, according to previous claims. Some users accused Houston of allegedly kidnapping and grooming the girl before he married her in 2019.
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Dickey has changed her Instagram name to Miyana Houston since her engagement with Marques. She rarely discusses her background or family details on social media. However, she did reveal that her full name is Miyana Juanita Houston.