Saturday’s highly-awaited clash between Conor McGregor and Dustin Poirier, which was hosted in Las Vegas’ T Mobile arena, was attended by various high-profile personalities, out of which two of them were United States’ former President Donald Trump and actor Mel Gibson. 

Gibson, who has been a controversial figure in the American entertainment industry, was clicked while saluting the 75-year-old former President at the match venue, according to reports from the New York Post.

As Trump made his way through the crowd at the T-Mobile area in Vegas, the 65-year-old actor and director performed a salute while looking towards Trump as he was escorted by United States secret service officials.

The videos of the brief moment quickly circulated on the internet and attracted almost as much attention as the match itself, which resulted in McGregor’s defeat.

However, previously Gibson has, on many instances, been against the policies of Trump when he occupied the White House through 2017 to early 2021.

The 65-year-old Hollywood personality publicly voiced his opinion against Trump’s initiative of building a wall against the southern border of the United States, a plan which aimed at keeping out potential illegal migrants entering the country, according to reports from the New York Post.

Moreover, during Trump’s 2020 Presidential election campaign against political rival and now President Joe Biden, Gibson did not voice any support for the Republican candidate, unlike many Hollywood influentials.

However, it is still unclear if Trump noticed Gibson’s salute in the crowds. The former President did not seem to react to the act as he waved at the crowds. 

Gibson attended the UFC 264 clash with his sons Will, Tommy and Ed, according to a New York Post citing a tweet from the actor. 

Simultaneously, Trump was booed by the crowd present at the T-Mobile Arena as he walked towards his seats.

The match ended with McGregor losing to three-time rival Dustin Poirier after sustaining a severe-looking injury in his leg. The lightweight UFC fighter is expected to undergo surgery as part of his treatment.