In a shocking incident during Bakersfield, California’s yearly Christmas parade, a truck drove through the parade route, striking multiple paradegoers waiting for the festivities to begin at 5:30 p.m. The Bakersfield Police Department is investigating the crash near 21st and H Streets in Downtown Bakersfield, where three male individuals sustained critical injuries.
Despite the tragic turn of events, parade officials have announced that the Bakersfield Christmas Parade will continue as scheduled, albeit with a rerouted path. The parade was originally set to start at 6:00 p.m., but the commencement was delayed as law enforcement responded to the crash.
Vice Mayor Andrae Gonzales shared on his Instagram account that the driver of the truck backed into a crowd of partygoers. Emergency crews swiftly arrived at the scene to attend to the injured paradegoers, who were then transported to the hospital for treatment.
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The driver of the vehicle is now in custody, and an investigation is underway to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident. The tragedy has left the community in shock, and the rerouting of the parade down Chester reflects organizers’ efforts to proceed with the event while addressing the aftermath of the unfortunate occurrence.