World leaders are gearing up for the highly awaited climate summit called COP26, which is scheduled to begin on October 31 to November 12. The outcome of the diplomatic event is likely to be policy-shifting announcements and pledges.
While the main objective of the COP26 is set to include a series of countries into the lower temperature bracket, a number of subsidiary climate-related announcements may also take the centre stage, some of which can also be linked to the Paris Agreement.
The primary expectation from the summit, which is being organised in Scotland’s Glasgow, is a global announcement of ‘1.5C’, a term that refers to keeping the rising global temperature below 1.5C – compared with pre-industrial times.
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According to reports from BBC, some of the important announcements can be linked to:
– Diminish the use of power generated from non-renewable resources like coal
-Global consensus on switching to electric cars
-Protecting more people from the impacts of climate change, such as funding coastal defense systems
– Addressing the growing problem of deforestation
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However, climate activist Greta Thunberg said in a statement earlier this month that she does not expect much from the ‘make or break’ COP26 summit.
The 18-year-old Swedish national also said she would be open to meeting world leaders, including United States President Joe Biden, at the climate summit later this month. When asked about the possibility of arranging such meetings. Thunberg said, “I guess that will depend on the situation. I do not see why these people want to meet with me, but yeah”, according to reports from Guardian.
Around 200 countries are expected to participate in the meet to discuss their plans to reduce carbon emissions. Such collective discussions on an international forum will give the world leaders creative ideas to work on their carbon footprints.