Set to debut on HBO on Tuesday, ‘Phoenix Rising’ is a gripping yet harrowing two-part documentary that revolves around the gruesome abuse that American actor Evan Rachel Wood underwent at the hands of former fiance and musician Marilyn Manson.
A clip from the upcoming documentary features Wood alleging Manson of going through her emails and monitoring her.
“Manson had hacked into my emails,” she says in the trailer. “He was watching me, and he had people watching me, again under the guise of ‘This is for your own good.’”
Backing up the ‘Westworld’ actor, Dan Cleary, one of Manson’s former assistants says, “When I was his assistant, anyone who hopped on his Wi-Fi, he had your information and was able to clone phones or laptops or something.”
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Wood then responds, “I’ve seen him hack into people’s laptops and gather information on them as blackmail.”
She continues, “He’s hacked into my computer and social media accounts. He was monitoring my every move. I couldn’t reach out to anybody to say, ‘I need help,’ because if he caught me doing that, it would be up for two days getting yelled at, pleading my case, trying to talk him off the ledge. He just knew how to break you down.”
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Directed by Amy Berg, the HBO documentary chronicles Woods addressing Manson with his real name, Brian Warner.
During the documentary’s Sundance premiere earlier this year, the project gained public attention for a scene in which Wood alleged that Warner “essentially raped” on camera while filming his ‘Heart-Shaped Glasses’ music video.
“I was coerced into a commercial sex act under false pretenses. That’s when the first crime was committed against me,” Wood said in the documentary.