A significant incident unfolded on Monday morning when a three-alarm fire erupted, causing extensive damage to Texas Loosey’s saloon located within a Torrance strip mall. The incident prompted a swift and robust response from firefighters, both from Torrance and neighboring jurisdictions, who arrived at the scene around 2 a.m.
Torrance police Lt. F. Ahmad reported that the firefighting efforts lasted approximately two hours, during which firefighters grappled with the blaze to bring it under control. Even after gaining control, they continued to address lingering hot spots within the building.
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Videos and images captured at the scene revealed that the flames had not only devastated Texas Loosey’s saloon but had also encroached upon a dental practice located in the same mall. Fortunately, no injuries were reported in connection with this fire, despite the substantial damage caused to the establishments.
Torrance police officers were quick to respond as well, taking measures to block traffic in the affected area. Southbound traffic on Palos Verdes Boulevard was effectively shut down at Sepulveda Boulevard, while northbound traffic met a similar restriction at Linda Drive.
The incident serves as a reminder of the rapid and dedicated response of firefighters and law enforcement personnel in emergencies, working diligently to ensure the safety of the community and mitigate potential risks. Investigations into the cause of the fire and the extent of the damage are likely to follow in the aftermath of this unfortunate incident.