Forrest Gump fame Tom Hanks has had a long history with the Academy Awards and this year might just be another significant milestone for the highly celebrated actor. The 64-year-old is up for his role in %u2018A Lovely Day in the Neighbourhood%u2019. Hanks has been honored with the accolade twice in the %u201890s making the 2021 Oscars his sixth nomination.
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The role of Andrew Beckett in Philadelphia, an American legal-drama flick helped Hanks skyrocket in the show business and also served him the first Oscar win in the %u2018Best Actor%u2019 category for 1993 film. Just one year later, Hanks bagged the same award for starring in and as %u2018Forrest Gump%u2019.
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However, Hanks has been on multiple nomination lists after his last Oscar win in the mid %u201890s. Movies like %u2018Cast Away%u2019 and %u2018Saving Private Ryan%u2019 helped him garner the nominations. The actor has spent his decades old awards slump gathering other substantial recognitions such as the Presidential Medal of Freedom from former US President Barack Obama in 2016.