Stating that “it is a matter of life or death,” the US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said that President Donald Trump’s opposition to mail-in voting is another contradiction. She also said that his stance on the funding of US Postal Service is harmful to Americans who depend on the post office for services other than voting. 

“The president’s family was all out in California urging absentee ballot during the special election in the spring, so this is, nonetheless, yet again, shall we say, another contradiction,” Pelosi, said in an MSNBC interview.

Pelosi along with 173 other house democrats also wrote a letter to Louis DeJoy, the Postmaster General asking to revoke the recently implemented policies. 

“During the once-in-a-century health and economic crisis of COVID-19, the Postal Service’s smooth functioning is a matter of life-or-death, and is critical for protecting lives, livelihoods, and the life of our American Democracy,” they wrote. 

Earlier, Trump had said that he will reject the legislation that contains the provision for emergency funding for the postal agency. The President had been criticising the mail-in voting for months stating that it would lead to “one of the greatest frauds in history.” He had also accepted that it would be difficult to vote by mail in November unless he provides the fund.

House Democrats demanded to give the agency $25 billion in one-time funding and $3.6 billion in funds for mail-in voting in the next stimulus package. It had also requested to roll back the recent operational changes at the agency implemented by the postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, a major Republican donor and Trump ally.