The developer of Pokemon GO, Niantic, is facing a player revolt after it announced that it will be rolling back the pandemic-friendly changes it introduced last year. The game maker had tweaked its product last year, implementing safety measures to ensure social distancing.
With lockdowns in place, it was difficult for players to step out and play the augmented reality game. To make it easier for the trainers to continue without actually stepping out, Niantic doubled the distance from which players could interact with gyms and Pokestops, and made some other social distancing changes as well. Players could have access to the gyms and Pokestops without having to venture too close to them or even step out of their houses. The move was welcomed.
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However, in June, the developer announced that it will be rolling back the changes.
“We’re committed to doing this in a staggered way, when it makes sense for each place in the world, to help people play safely. As we return to the outside world again, these changes are aimed at restoring the focus of Pokémon Go on movement and exploration in the real world. These changes will be introduced slowly and carefully to make it more exciting to explore the world around you, “Niantic said.
However, this has caused a revolt in its player base, particularly in the US and the UK, where the Delta COVID-19 variant has been causing distress. A petition on has gained almost 150,000 signatures from users calling on the company to keep the changes, the Guardian reported.
Also read: Pokemon Go: Events to lookout for in August
“Increased interaction distance was one of the best changes they have ever made. Making the game safer to play and more accessible for all,” the petition reads.
One Pokemon Go influencer, ZoëTwoDots, called for a boycott of the game. “I know for myself personally, I’m just straight up not spending money in the game going forward until they address it publicly,” she said in a YouTube post.