Pop singer Rihanna stirred up a storm on Monday by posting a topless photo of herself, wearing a necklace with Ganesha pendant. The photo that invited immediate criticism by Twitter users comes days after she spoke in favour of the protesting farmers. Her tweet in favour of the farmers had evoked strong reaction, both in favour and against.

Yesterday, Rihanna shared a picture of herself on Twitter where she was only wearing only a pink night short. She was topless and wearing a locket that had a small figure of Ganesha hanging from the end. 

Also Read: Rihanna’s image with Pak flag goes viral after support to Indian farmers, here’s the truth

This invited criticism with many saying that she had taken it too far this time. Some said that they have been hurt by how foreigners used their religion and culture for the ‘sake of aesthetics’.

Some even admitted to loving her but said that this was taking it too far.

Soon after Rihanna tweeted about the ongoing farmers’ protest, actor Kangana Ranaut had targeted her. “She can shake her bum cheeks and expose her a** crack right in to the camera lens while singing. Ya that’s all. Nothing else,” the actor tweeted.

Also Read: Rihanna’s makeup brand in trouble for allegedly using child labour to extract mica

Rihanna’s post has 214k likes, 4710 comments, and 35.5k retweets as of today afternoon.