Saugus High School, Santa Clarita was placed on a soft lockdown in response to a report of a gunshot victim on Friday afternoon. However, officers, after searching the campus, found no evidence of a shooting incident, according to Los Angeles County dispatch radio traffic.
After the campus search has been underway for some time, deputies informed concerned parents outside the school that the call was likely a “prank call.”
Firefighters were dispatched to the 21900 block of Centurion Way at 1:23 pm in regards to a gunshot wound victim, said Ruben Munoz, spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Fire Department. They arrive at the location at 1:30 pm. Munoz said no victim had been located but Firefighters remained on campus as a precaution while deputies searched. He later informed that no transports had occurred and no victims were treated on the scene.
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An announcement on the school system said the lockdown was a soft lockdown and no barricade was required. Deputies went from building to building, clearing the campus.
What is a soft lockdown?
During, what is called a soft lockdown, teachers need to lock their doors and can continue teaching. This type of lockdown occurs when a student search is underway and there is no danger to students and staff.
During a hard lockdown, students and staff members are prohibited from moving around within the school but in a soft lockdown, they may move around within the school. Classes usually continue as normal, though class periods or schedules may change.
However, no one is permitted to leave the school during a soft lockdown, and some may restrict movement between buildings.
Individuals may be prohibited from entering the school during a soft lockdown. Even parents and registered guardians may be required to permission to enter and authorities maintain the right to deny entry to ensure school safety.