A 17-year-old teenage boy was bound and kidnapped during a home invasion and an armed robbery in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania overnight.
The police responded to the home in Stockton Ridge overnight around 1:30 a.m., according to a report. They said that the kidnapping “was not random” and that the “family was targeted for reasons unknown.”
A 39-year-old woman told police that two men with weapons entered her home. After tying her and her 17-year-old son up, the men ransacked the home and left with the woman’s son at gunpoint, according to police. The suspects then stole the woman’s car and took off with the teenage boy with them.
The teen boy has been reunited with his mother. after being found at the convenience store.
The teenage boy was eventually found in Rochester, Beaver County. He called 911 from a convenience store there around 5 a.m. He and his mom have been reunited, police said. Cranberry Township police said the investigation into the incident is ongoing.