Taking the QAnon crackdown a step further, Twitter on Friday said that it will extend its restrictions on QAnon-linked accounts and content to political candidates and elected officials who promote the conspiracy theory.
The move is a follow up of Twitter’s fight against co-ordinated harmful activity. The new framework has no exceptions and will apply to all candidates and elected officials, including President Donald Trump.
ALSO READ || ‘It’s bizarre, totally bizarre’: Joe Biden asks QAnon supporters to get mental health check
In July, Twitter had banned more than 7,000 accounts in response to the far-right conspiracy movement and its baseless, dangerous theories. However, its enforcement policy was unclear when it came to elected officials and candidates.
“Impressions on QAnon content dropped by more than 50%, decreasing the amount of unhealthy and harmful content on timelines,” Twitter said about its July crackdown.
“We’ll continue to assess groups, movements, and campaigns that may be engaging in co-ordinated harmful activity and take action on accounts and Tweets that violate our policy,” they added.
QAnon is a conspiracy theory that claims that Donald Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping paedophiles in government, business and the media. It alleges that there is a deep state plot against President Donald Trump.
ALSO READ || From conspiracy theory to political phenomenon: Here is how ‘QAnon’ went global
When asked about the theory at a press conference last month, Trump said he’s not familiar with it but that he believes those associated with it love the country. “I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate,” Trump said. “But I don’t know much about the movement,” Trump had said.