In an incident that unfolded against the backdrop of holiday cheer, Cleveland’s Public Square became the scene of a tragedy on Saturday evening as two teenagers were shot, leaving a 15-year-old in critical condition.
According to reports from Cleveland EMS, the event occurred at approximately 8:45 p.m., sending shockwaves through the heart of the city’s holiday festivities. The victims, identified as a 13-year-old and a 15-year-old, were both rushed to MetroHealth Medical Center for immediate medical attention.
While the 13-year-old sustained minor injuries, the 15-year-old is currently listed in critical condition, prompting heightened concern and empathy from the community. The exact circumstances surrounding the shooting remain unclear, leaving residents anxious for answers and authorities actively investigating the incident.
This turn of events transpired just hours after the WinterLand Christmas tree lighting ceremony, an event that typically brings the community together to celebrate the festive season in Public Square. The sudden shift from holiday joy to a crime scene has left residents and visitors alike grappling with a mix of emotions.
As of now, no additional information about the incident has been made available to the public.