A remarkable incident has unfolded in the skies above California, as recently released footage showcases a mass UFO sighting in the desert region, bearing a striking resemblance to a well-known UFO event. Renowned experts Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp made a startling revelation on their podcast, “Weaponized,” presenting video and photographs captured in April 2021 over Twentynine Palms, CA.

According to Jeremy Corbell, the UFO was observed hovering above the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Camp Wilson. What makes this sighting even more intriguing is the duration it lasted—an astonishing 10 minutes—witnessed by over 50 individuals, including numerous Marines undergoing training at the expansive base.

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The footage reveals a triangular formation of lights, reminiscent of the infamous “Phoenix Lights” incident that occurred in Arizona in March 1997. The similarity between these two events has sparked widespread interest among experts and UFO enthusiasts, highlighting the significance of the recent California sighting.

Jeremy Corbell further disclosed that the UFO made its appearance at approximately 8:20 PM, remaining stationary above the military base for nine minutes before provoking a notable response from the Marines. In an effort to investigate or perhaps deter the unidentified craft, flares were fired. However, just as the flares approached the UFO, it vanished mysteriously, leaving behind a sense of wonder and intrigue.

Based on analysis of the footage, Jeremy estimates that the silent UFO could be as large as a 3-bedroom, 2-story house. Describing it as a “dream UFO case,” both Jeremy and George express their excitement and belief in the significance of this sighting, hinting at the possibility of additional evidence and revelations to come in future podcast episodes.

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The Twentynine Palms UFO incident has already sparked intense discussions and debates within the UFO community, drawing attention to the captivating video and photographs presented by Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp. As the podcast progresses, it is anticipated that the experts will delve deeper into the details of the event, providing further insights into the enigmatic craft and its implications.

With compelling evidence and multiple witnesses, the Twentynine Palms UFO sighting warrants serious attention and investigation. As technology advances, incidents like this continue to fuel curiosity about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the mysteries of the universe.