Jason Momoa, who played Khal Drogo in a total of 11 “Game of Thrones” episodes, on Tuesday said he struggled to find work after starring on one season of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” which aired in 2011, reported Instyle.
In the popular series, he is killed towards the end of the show’s first season. Drogo’s death came before “Game of Thrones” became a massive hit, so Momoa didn’t feel the full triumph of appearing in one of the biggest-ever television series.
“I mean, we were starving after ‘Game of Thrones.’ I couldn’t get work,” he told Instyle. Adding, “It’s very challenging when you have babies and you’re completely in debt.”
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Momoa is married to Lisa Bonet, who starred in “The Cosby Show.” The couple made their marriage official in 2017, but had a ceremony in 2007, before “Thrones.” They have two children: a daughter and a son, born in 2007 and 2008, respectively.
The only credit Momoa managed to acquire during the year after season one of “Thrones” was in the action movie named “Bullet to the Head.” He followed that up with three indie movies in 2014 and some television show appearances.
The actor’s filmography passion came into light in 2016, when he first portrayed Aquaman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Since then, he has reprised the role in the 2017 Justice League and the 2018 Aquaman.
Momoa plays Duncan Idaho in Denis Villeneuve’s Dune, which is scheduled for release on October 1, 2021.
When asked about his reaction to “Dune” trailer at the first glimpse, Momoa said, “It was ‘Josh Brolin, Jason Momoa, Javier Bardem,’ and I’m just like, ‘Oh my god. I can’t believe my name was with those names.’ I feel like I’m still a kid, freaking out.”