In Dallas, Texas, an incident unfolded as one of the individuals involved in antisemitic activities outside a synagogue has been identified as Barry Young, a 25-year-old resident of Plano, Texas. The shocking display included Young holding antisemitic signage and wearing a swastika armband. Identified as a member of the ‘Goyim Defense League’ (GDL), Young operates on GAB under the screen name ‘Baby Face.’
Who is Barry Young?
Barry Young, a graduate of Texas State University, has ties to Sherwin Williams, as indicated by his LinkedIn profile. His employment history includes a position as a Salesperson at Sherwin Williams. Notably, Young also interned at a political consulting firm, Macias Strategies, where he organized, fact-checked, and edited web pages, collected information using internet databases, and interacted with clients and volunteers.
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The incident comes amid a concerning surge in antisemitic incidents globally. In the United States, there has been a 400% increase in such incidents since the October 7 Hamas attack, according to the Anti-Defamation League. France has witnessed 1,040 incidents of antisemitism since October 7, prompting Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin to express alarm over the sharp rise. Meanwhile, the UK has reported a 324% increase in hate crimes against Jews following the Hamas attacks.
This surge in antisemitism has not spared educational institutions, with a worrying trend observed on campuses in the US and Canada. The rise in threats and violence has raised concerns, leading the Israeli government to advise citizens against unnecessary travel abroad, urging caution and a discreet approach to displaying Israeli and Jewish symbols.
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The incident involving Barry Young is a stark reminder of the broader challenge of rising antisemitism globally, emphasizing the need for continued efforts to combat hatred and promote tolerance.