Renowned televangelist Pat Robertson was married to Dede Robertson for more than 60 years till Dede passed away in 2022. On Thursday, Pat died at the age of 93. The long-lasting couple is now survived by two sons Gordon and Timothy, two daughters, Elizabeth Robinson and Ann LeBlanc, 14 grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren.
Also Read: Pat Robertson dead: Net worth, 700 Club, age, wife Dede Robertson, university, career and more
Who are Pat Robertson’s children?
Pat Robertson married Dede Robertson on August 27, 1954, in Elkton, Maryland. Dede was expecting their first child Timothy at the time, who was delivered ten weeks later. Three more children were born shortly after Tim: Elizabeth Faith in 1956, Gordon Perry in 1958, and Ann Willis in 1963.
Today, Pat Robertson’s children follow the teachings of the Bible and advocate for the efficacy of prayer, just like their father.
Also Read: Who is Dede Robertson, Pat Robertson’s wife?
In the late 1980s, Tim Robertson, the oldest of the siblings, took over CBN when his father decided to run for president. Tim was at the time thrown into the public eye due to controversy surrounding the day of his parent’s wedding and his birth, suggesting that he was born out of wedlock. He now has five children and ten grandchildren with author and motivational speaker, Lisa N. Robertson.
Gordon Robertson is the current CEO of CBN and can be seen on “The 700 Club” from time to time. Additionally, he leads CBN’s charitable organization, Operation Blessing. Gordon resides in Virginia with his wife Katharyn Robertson and their three grown children.
Elizabeth and Ann Robertson prefer to keep their personal affairs out of the public eye in order to devote their attention to raising their individual families, hence little is known about them. On her father’s show, Elizabeth made just one appearance with her brother Tim to talk about what it was like to grow up in a Christian home during the early days of CBN.