Camille Briana Smith blamed Israel for Hamas’ barbaric murders, rapes & kidnappings of Israelis on October 7.
Who is Camille Briana Smith?
Camille Briana Smith, a licensed social worker at Dell Children’s Medical Center in Austin, Texas, attributed the barbaric actions of Hamas on October 7 to Israel, alleging the country’s involvement in murders, rapes, and kidnappings of Israelis. Smith further accused the Jewish state of engaging in genocide.
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Following a recent Hamas attack, unsettling videos have surfaced on social media platform X, depicting protestors in various cities, including London, New York, and Melbourne, tearing down posters of kidnapped Israeli children. What stands out is the notable presence of female protestors, prompting speculation about the reasons behind this trend. One suggested explanation delves into the shifting political landscape among young women, who appear to be more inclined towards progressivism than their male counterparts. Notably, 44% of young women in the US identified as liberal in 2021, a substantial increase from 30% a decade ago, while the corresponding figures for young men were 25% and 27%, respectively.
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Another perspective delves into the echo chambers of educational institutions, where women now outnumber men. Female students, more inclined to pursue social sciences and humanities subjects, often find themselves immersed in environments where professors lean left. This academic exposure may contribute to a singular perspective on the conflict, and, in some instances, expose them to extreme viewpoints from activist professors. Notably, academics in prestigious universities in the UK and the US have struggled to condemn Hamas, framing them as an oppressed group and defending their actions as a form of “decolonization.” Some have even gone so far as to celebrate Hamas and actively participate in tearing down posters, showcasing the potential influence of academic environments on shaping perceptions and actions related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.