Debra Rosenquist, a New York teacher, allegedly manipulated a fifth-grader into changing her pronouns, according to a lawsuit filed against her.
The Daily Mail reports that a board meeting of Terryville Road Elementary School, Long Island, was held on Monday to discuss the issue where multiple people, including former students, spoke out against Rosenquist.
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Who is Debra Rosenquist?
Debra Rosenquist is a schoolteacher at Terryville Road Elementary School in Long Island. She was named in a recent lawsuit for manipulating a fifth-grader student at the school to change pronouns.
The lawsuit says that in October 2021 Rosenquist called a former fifth-grader female ‘Leo’ and used he/him pronouns even though the student preferred she/her. It adds that the student was so upset by Rosenquist’s comments that it made her ‘want to kill herself’. The student has not been identified.
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The Daily Mail report claims that the gender change effected by Rosenquist went unnoticed by the parents of the student for a year. They realized what has happened after they found her drawing a girl with the writing ‘i want to kill myself’ on top of it.
Speaking at the meeting, a former male student of Rosenquist who remained anonymous, said that she once called her students ‘sexist little children’ in class.
“One time, I think there were boys in the class and girls in the class and they were hanging out with each other,” he said. “She yelled at the whole class that we were all little sexist children.”
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“Why would she do that to me, I was just a child,” he added. “That affected me and made me very upset.”