Eddie Matos, who is currently serving a 25-year-to-life sentence for the murder of a NYPD officer, has been denied parole. This is the seventh time Matos was denied parole. Matos, as a 23-year-old, had pushed Officer Anthony Dwyer to his death from the roof of a building at Times Square. This is the seventh time the parole panel has denied parole to Matos since 2014.
The incident took place on October 17, 1989, when Matos accompanied by three accomplices entered a McDonald’s on the Seventh Avenue and 40th Street and rounded up the staff at gunpoint. This was followed by an employee escaping and returning with three police officers, which included Dwyer. Dwyer followed Matos up a ladder on the roof, from where Matos shoved the officer down a 25-foot air shaft. Dwyer was pronounced dead when he was brought to the Bellevue Hospital.
Matos was held by the police the following day. Matos was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to prison in 1990, while the three accomplices were also indicted.
Last month, a two-member parole panel was split on the decision to set Matos free, but subsequently, a three-member panel came to a decision to keep him behind bars.
“Hearing the news that the animal who killed my brother was denied parole was a huge relief,” she told The Post. “We are always nervous waiting for the decision but this time was extra hard. … I’m grateful to the parole board for making the right decision,” Dwyer’s sister Maureen Brisette said about the decision.
The family of Dwyer, who have been waiting for justice for more than three decades, will find some solace in Matos’s rejection of parole. Additionally, it serves as a message to other criminals that justice will be done and that they will be held responsible for their actions.
According to the NY state Corrections and Community Supervision, Matos will face the parole board again in July 2024.