A tragic incident occurred on Friday night in Country Club Hills, resulting in the death of a 14-year-old boy after a high school football game. The shooting took place around 9 p.m. as law enforcement officers were in the process of dispersing a crowd following Hillcrest High School’s homecoming football game against Oak Forest High School.

Amidst the dispersal of spectators leaving the game, gunshots were fired from an unidentified direction, and a 14-year-old boy suffered life-threatening injuries after being struck by one of the bullets. The injured teenager was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he was later pronounced dead, as confirmed by the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office.

Who was Marshawn Mitchell?

The victim was identified as 14-year-old Marshawn Mitchell of Hazel Crest.

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In the wake of the tragic incident, the Hillcrest Hawks football team issued a statement expressing their sadness and concern. They acknowledged the ongoing investigation by relevant authorities and conveyed their prayers for all those affected. The statement also highlighted the senselessness of the violence that occurred after the game and called for support and empathy during this difficult time.

Bremen High School District 228, where Hillcrest High School is located, confirmed that Marshawn Mitchell was a student at Hillcrest. The district announced the cancellation of the school’s homecoming dance, expressing deep sorrow for the loss of one of their students and extending condolences to the affected families and friends. They assured that support resources would be available to students on Monday for those in need.

Also Read: North Philadelphia shooting: one critical, two hospitalized, in separate gun violence incidents

Authorities are actively seeking information regarding the shooting and have urged anyone with knowledge of the incident to contact the Country Club Hills police at 708-798-3191 or the anonymous SWORN tip line at 708-206-2899. This tragic event has cast a shadow over the community, prompting grief, concern, and a call for cooperation in bringing those responsible to justice.