Robert Wayne Lee, known as “Boopac Shakur” on social media, was a vigilante figure in Michigan who gained attention for his online activities. Unfortunately, his life came to a tragic end when he confronted two teenagers and was shot during the encounter.
Who was Robert Wayne Lee?
Robert Wayne Lee, aged 40 and known as “Boopac Shakur” on social media, confronted two teenagers at Universal Coney Island in Pontiac, Michigan, on a Friday night around 10:30 p.m. Lee accused one of the teens of being a pedophile and punched him during the confrontation.
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The altercation escalated when the 18-year-old who was punched pulled out a knife, and the other, a 17-year-old boy, shot Lee multiple times with a handgun. Lee was rushed to a local hospital but succumbed to his injuries and passed away.
The suspects, believed to be Pontiac residents, fled the scene but were later arrested on Saturday afternoon by detectives from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office and agents from the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Their identities have not been released, and criminal charges against them were pending.
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Robert Wayne Lee was known for his online activities, where he portrayed himself as a vigilante targeting individuals he believed were child predators. However, his approach was not without controversy, as he sometimes mistakenly identified individuals as sexual predators. The sheriff’s office emphasized that well-intentioned individuals pursuing such actions may not fully understand the legal standards required for convictions and the potential for violence in such confrontations.
Sheriff Michael Bouchard noted that individuals accused in such circumstances had previously exhibited violent behavior, such as ramming police cars, when confronted by these vigilantes.