Ron Sexton, 52, popularly known as “Donnie Baker,” a veteran from the ensemble cast member of The Bob & Tom Show, died on Friday while on tour with his stand-up comedy show, according to representatives of the program. He was a resident of Tampa, Florida.
Millions of listeners knew Sexton for his hilarious on-air personas, such as Donnie Baker, Kenny Tarmac, Floyd the Trucker, and his lifelike impersonations of famous people.
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Early in January, the comedian made headlines after an alleged affair turned physical at a pub in Portland, Indiana. According to court records, Sexton told police the shooter was the spouse of the lady he was seeing.
Sexton died in Ohio while on tour with his stand-up comedy show, Tom Griswold said on “The BOB & TOM Show” Facebook page. “Ron was known by millions of listeners of “The Bob & Tom Show” for the indelible comedic characters he played on-air – including Donnie Baker, Kenny Tarmac, and Floyd the Trucker, as well as his spot-on celebrity impersonations. Ron was a much-loved colleague and friend, and we will miss him greatly. We send our sincerest condolences to his family and friends. He made many, many people happy during his more than 20 years with “The Bob & Tom Show,” and we will remember him with love and gratitude,” he wrote.
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The cause of his death was not revealed. Sexton was set to perform at the Dayton Funny Bone on July 21 and July 22, the comedy club’s post on Facebook said.