Amazon Quiz: In January 2021, which Asian country launched its first-ever National Security Policy?





Sri Lanka

Answer: Pakistan

Pakistan is a country in South Asia. It has a population of almost 243 million people and is regarded the world’s fifth-most populous country. It also has the world’s second-largest Muslim population just behind Indonesia.

Pakistan is the 2nd largest country in South Asia. It is bordered by India to the east, Afghanistan to the west, Iran to the southwest, and China to the northeast. It also shares a maritime border with Oman. It is the nation’s capital is Islamabad and Karachi is its largest city and financial center.  

It was formerly part of the British Empire in India. Pakistan gained independence in 1947 after the partition of the British Indian Empire, which awarded separate statehood to its Muslim-majority regions. However, it was accompanied by unparalleled mass migration and loss of life. Pakistan officially drafted its constitution in 1956 and emerged as a declared Islamic republic. Pakistan is semi-secular with Islam as the state religion.

The name Pakistan means “land of the pure” or “land of purity”, in Urdu and Persian. Pakistan is the only country to have been created in the name of Islam. 

With its diverse cultures, people, and landscapes, Pakistan attracted around 6.6 million foreign tourists in 2018, which represented a significant decline since the 1970s. The main destinations of choice for these tourists were the Khyber Pass, Peshawar, Karachi, Lahore, Swat, and Rawalpindi.

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