Amazon Quiz: Name this popular Italian dish





Answer: Lasagna

Italian cuisine is famous all around the world. The likes of pizza and pasta are considered among the most popular food choices by people across borders and cultures. Lasagna is also an Italian dish, which is also a type of pasta and is made using one of the oldest recipes in Italian cuisine.

Lasagna is made using wide and flat sheets. It has several fillings like ragu, which is tomato sauce mixed with ground meats, vegetables, and different types of cheese along with Italian spices like garlic, oregano and basil.

Lasagna is often topped with grated cheese, which melts after the dish is prepared by baking. After baking, the dish is cut into square shapes for single serving purposes.

It is also one of the oldest foods in the world. The history of Lasagna dates back to the Middle Ages and it can be traced back to 1282 in the Bolognesi Memorials. The oldest recipe to make Lasagna can be found in the Liber de Coquina, a 14th-century recipe book. However, modern Lasagna is made by boiling pasta with chicken broth and then using cheese with chicken fat.

Lasagna has several variations, like the lasagna riccia, doppio festone, sciabo and sciablo. It is also called lasagne di carnevale and Lasagne al forno in Naples, both of which has different recipes.

Several FMCG companies mass produce the dish to serve millions of people. Lasagna which is made in a factory is called bardele in Veneto. On the other hand, the lasagne di carnevale of Naples is cooked with sausage, fried meatballs, eggs, ricotta and mozzarella cheese and meat sauce.

Meanwhile, Lasagne al forno is made with ragu and bechamel sauce and it is also the most recognised recipe in the rest of the world. The recipe comes from the Emilia-Romagna area of Italy.

Several Italian regions follow different recipes to make lasagna, some using different types of meat, sauce and cheese. It is also flavoured using wine, garlic, onion, and oregano. However, the similarity in all recipes is it is baked, not cooked in an oven.

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