Amazon Quiz (August 26, 2022): What is the fear of this animal also known as?
Answer: Ophidiophobia
A phobia is an anxiety disorder characterised by a recurring, overwhelming dread of a thing or circumstance. Typically, phobias cause a sudden onset of fear and last for more than six months. More than the real danger posed, those affected go to tremendous efforts to avoid the circumstance or object. They go through severe distress if they cannot escape the thing or circumstance.
Ophidiophobia is a severe fear of snakes. The word comes from the Greek words ‘ophis’ and ‘phobia’ which mean ‘snake’ and ‘fear’ respectively. Snakes cause some level of anxiety in many people. However, ophidiophobia can be so severe that it affects a person’s wellbeing, or sense of security.
People with the ophidiophobia may:
1. Behave differently in social, educational, or professional settings.
2. Stay away from places like pet stores, zoos, etc. where snakes might be.
3. have a fit when they hear or see something that they think is a snake (like a rope or a hiss).
4. Suffer from severe anxiety at the mere mention of a snake.
Ophidiophobia can afflict anyone at any age, whether they are young or old. According to online website Cleveland Clinic:
People with a fear of snakes may also have related phobias, including:
- Herpetophobia, or fear of reptiles in general.
- Ranidaphobia, fear of frogs.
- Thanatophobia, fear of death, which some may associate with snake bites
Fun Fact: The famous movie character Indiana Jones also suffers from ophidiophobia.
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