Novak Djokovic, who is seeded at the first rank in the world, snatched a victory from Rafael Nadal on Friday in the French Open semifinal game. The high-stakes match was being followed by the fans of the sport around the world, some of whom celebrated the result while others hoped for the best for upcoming tournaments.
Supporters of both Nadal and Djokovic said on social media that the semi-final clash between the two players was one of the greatest matches they had witnessed. The game secured multiple records for Djokovich and made him the first man in over 50 years to win all four Slams twice.
Some fans of the Roland Garros defending champion Nadal said that the player was not in his best form during the game, which led to his dismissal from the tournament.
Djokovic, who now holds the record to be the only man to beat Nadal twice in the tournament, will now face Stefanos Tsitsipas in the French Open final on Sunday.
On the other hand, some took the comedic route and pointed out Djokovic’s tactic of bouncing the ball on the clay court numerous times before serving it to Nadal.